In-App Purchase involves a fair amount of configuration. In order to get a glimpse at a complete integration, you'll find here a minimal example and the expected result when run on a device.
This example is a Cordova application. The index.html
does nothing but load js/index.js
Copy document .addEventListener ( 'deviceready' , onDeviceReady);
var myProduct;
function onDeviceReady () {
const { store , ProductType , Platform } = CdvPurchase;
refreshUI ();
store .register ([{
type : ProductType . CONSUMABLE ,
id : 'my_product' ,
platform : Platform . TEST ,
store .when ()
.productUpdated (refreshUI)
.approved (finishPurchase);
store .initialize ([ Platform . TEST ]);
function finishPurchase (transaction) {
localStorage .goldCoins = ( localStorage .goldCoins | 0 ) + 10 ;
transaction .finish ();
refreshUI ();
function refreshUI () {
const { store , ProductType , Platform } = CdvPurchase;
myProduct = store .get ( 'my_product' , Platform . TEST );
const myTransaction = store .findInLocalReceipts (myProduct);
const button = `<button onclick="myProduct.getOffer().order()">Purchase</button>` ;
document .getElementsByTagName ( 'body' )[ 0 ].innerHTML = `
Gold: ${ localStorage .goldCoins | 0 }
Product.state: ${ myTransaction ? myTransaction .state : '' }
.title: ${ myProduct ? myProduct .title : '' }
.descr: ${ myProduct ? myProduct .description : '' }
.price: ${ myProduct ? myProduct . pricing .price : '' }
${ myProduct .canPurchase ? button : '' }
</div>` ;
Copy <!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>
Launching this on a device...
Note that it's a simple example that doesn't handle error cases, but it's fully functional. In-App Purchases don't have to hard!